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Rhinoplasty Nose Job to Correct Nose Bump Results in Naperville, IL

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This patient came to Oak Dermatology in Naperville, IL with concerns about the size and shape of her nose. She did not like the large profile bump (dorsal bump). Oak Dermatology's Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Joseph Daw, performed a surgical rhinoplasty on this patient. Dr. Daw slimmed the nose, made it more symmetrical and shaved the profile bump. Little downtime was required and the results will be permanent. This patient was thrilled with her new nose as its size and shape more appropriately complimented her other facial features.

Surgical Rhinoplasty Nose Job



Surgical Rhinoplasty Nose Job

This patient came to Oak Dermatology in Naperville, IL with concerns about the size and shape of her nose. She did not like the large profile bump (dorsal bump). Oak Dermatology's Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Joseph Daw, performed a surgical rhinoplasty on this patient. Dr. Daw slimmed the nose, made it more symmetrical and shaved the profile bump. Little downtime was required and the results will be permanent. This patient was thrilled with her new nose as its size and shape more appropriately complimented her other facial features.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.