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Nonsurgical Bleph for Hooding Eyelids Results in Hispanic Female, Itasca, IL

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This patient came to Oak Dermatology in Itasca, IL with concerns of her upper eyelids dropping down (hooding) with age. Though only in her 20s, this is common in some people especially if eyelid hooding runs in the family. The patient expressed that she wanted a nonsurgical procedure. Dr. Jeffrey T.S. Hsu, an innovator of nonsurgical blepharoplasty (nonsurgical eyelid lift) performed this quick, in-office procedure on her. The result is on par with a surgical blepharoplasty.

Nonsurgical Eyelid Lift



Nonsurgical Eyelid Lift Bleph

This patient came to Oak Dermatology in Itasca, IL with concerns of her upper eyelids dropping down (hooding) with age. Though only in her 20s, this is common in some people especially if eyelid hooding runs in the family. The patient expressed that she wanted a nonsurgical procedure. Dr. Jeffrey T.S. Hsu, an innovator of nonsurgical blepharoplasty (nonsurgical eyelid lift) performed this quick, in-office procedure on her. The result is on par with a surgical blepharoplasty. 

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.