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Otoplasty Protruding Ears Surgery Results in Naperville, IL at Oak Dermatology

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This young patient came to Oak Dermatology | Naperville, IL with concerns of protruding ears. He indicated that his large, prominent ears caused him emotional distress and self-consciousness. Oak Dermatology's Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Joseph Daw performed an Otoplasty (ear pinning) surgery. The patient saw immediate results.

Ear Pinning Otoplasty Results



Surgical Otoplasty Ear Pinning

This young patient came to Oak Dermatology | Naperville, IL with concerns of protruding ears. He indicated that his large, prominent ears caused him emotional distress and self-consciousness. Oak Dermatology's Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Joseph Daw performed an Otoplasty (ear pinning) surgery. The patient saw immediate results.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.