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Awake Liposuction of Stomach & Flanks Results, Oak Dermatology | Naperville, IL

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This female patient came to Oak Dermatology, Naperville, IL with concerns about excess fat her torso including stomach areas. Dr. Jeffrey T.S. Hsu performed a comfortable, in-office, awake liposuction procedure reducing fat around the upper and lower abdominal areas as well as back flanks, with very minimal downtime. The result was immediately visible. To schedule an appointment for possible liposuction of body fat, please call 864-528-9247.




This female patient came to Oak Dermatology, Naperville, IL with concerns about excess fat her torso including stomach areas. Dr. Jeffrey T.S. Hsu performed a comfortable, in-office, awake liposuction procedure reducing fat around the upper and lower abdominal areas as well as back flanks, with very minimal downtime. The result was immediately visible. To schedule an appointment for possible liposuction of body fat, please call 864-528-9247.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.