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Rosacea Related Rhinophyma (growth on nose) Surgery Result in Naperville, IL

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This patient came to Oak Dermatology | Naperville, IL after having noticed growths on his nose. Dr. Ashish Bhatia determined these nose growths were rhinophyma and were a result of pre-existing rosacea. Using an awake surgery method consisting of electrodesiccation and laser, Dr. Bhatia was able to give this patient a new and enhanced appearance. Dr. Bhatia utilized a surgical tool to remove the abnormal layers of skin. Subsequently, he treated using electrodesiccation to further sculpt and define the shape. Finally, he used a laser to polish the surface and promote healing and regeneration of fresh and healthy skin.

Treatment for Rhinophyma



Rhinophyma Treatment Results

This patient came to Oak Dermatology | Naperville, IL after having noticed growths on his nose. Dr. Ashish Bhatia determined these nose growths were rhinophyma and were a result of pre-existing rosacea. 


Using an awake surgery method consisting of electrodesiccation and laser, Dr. Bhatia was able to give this patient a new and enhanced appearance.


Dr. Bhatia utilized a surgical tool to remove the abnormal layers of skin. Subsequently, he treated using electrodesiccation to further sculpt and define the shape. Finally, he used a laser to polish the surface and promote healing and regeneration of fresh and healthy skin.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.