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Brown Raised Mole Removal by Dr. Jeffrey T.S. Hsu in Itasca, IL

Our Location

This patient came to Oak Dermatology, Itasca, IL clinic, expressing that she did not like the raised mole on her face. Dr. Jeffrey T.S. Hsu was able to permanently and quickly remove the mole without any scars. To schedule a mole removal appointment please call 864-528-9247.

Mole Removal on Female Patient



This patient came to Oak Dermatology, Itasca, IL clinic, expressing that she did not like the raised mole on her face. Dr. Jeffrey T.S. Hsu was able to permanently and quickly remove the mole without any scars. To schedule a mole removal appointment please call 864-528-9247.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.