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Acne Treatment for Severe Teenage Acne Results in Naperville, IL at Oak Derm

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This patient came to Oak Dermatology in Naperville, IL with concerns about his acne. He felt he couldn't control his acne breakouts and wanted a long term solution. Oak Dermatology's Emily Schnurstein, NP, treated this patient with a medication to address his acne. The results were gradual, but over time, incredibly impressive.

Acne Treatment for Teenager



Acne Treatment Solution Teen

This patient came to Oak Dermatology in Naperville, IL with concerns about his acne. He felt he couldn't control his acne breakouts and wanted a long term solution. Oak Dermatology's Emily Schnurstein, NP, treated this patient with a medication to address his acne. The results were gradual, but over time, incredibly impressive.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.