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Hand Vein Removal with Injections Sclerotherapy in Itasca, IL | Oak Dermatology

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This patient came to Oak Dermatology | Itasca, IL seeking a remedy for their large, bulging hand veins. This patient felt the veins were unsightly and they wanted them removed in a safe and efficient way. Dr. Jeffrey T. S. Hsu recommended sclerotherapy of the hands. In this procedure, the patient received a series of injections into the unwanted veins. The solution injected, will collapse the veins, eventually shrinking them. A tried and true method that is safe, fast and effective.

Sclerotherapy for Male Hands



This patient came to Oak Dermatology | Itasca, IL seeking a remedy for their large, bulging hand veins. This patient felt the veins were unsightly and they wanted them removed in a safe and efficient way. Dr. Jeffrey T. S. Hsu recommended sclerotherapy of the hands. In this procedure, the patient received a series of injections into the unwanted veins. The solution injected, will collapse the veins, eventually shrinking them. A tried and true method that is safe, fast and effective.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.