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Severe Kid's Eczema Solution Treatment | Skin Restorate Result in Naperville, IL

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This young patient was brought to Oak Dermatology in Naperville, IL by her mother after frustrating series of visits at other dermatology practices over the span of 16 months that showed no improvement in her daughter. This patient's mother no longer wanted to go through conventional treatments of yet another steroid cream for her daughter's worsening eczema. Dr. Jeffrey T. S. Hsu decided to take another approach in treating this patient by using his pioneered methods in restoring this child's skin health. Dr. Hsu's very unique school of thought in skin health restoration has proven effective in treating most hardest to treat conditions. With a completely customized and comprehensive treatment plan, this patient's eczema was improved within 2.5 months of when treatment started. By the 5th month, her eczema cleared. To date, this patient has had no eczema flare-ups.

severe children eczema



This young patient was brought to Oak Dermatology in Naperville, IL by her mother after frustrating series of visits at other dermatology practices over the span of 16 months that showed no improvement in her daughter. This patient's mother no longer wanted to go through conventional treatments of yet another steroid cream for her daughter's worsening eczema. Dr. Jeffrey T. S. Hsu decided to take another approach in treating this patient by using his pioneered methods in restoring this child's skin health. Dr. Hsu's very unique school of thought in skin health restoration has proven effective in treating most hardest to treat conditions. With a completely customized and comprehensive treatment plan, this patient's eczema was improved within 2.5 months of when treatment started. By the 5th month, her eczema cleared. To date, this patient has had no eczema flare-ups.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.