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Skin Tone & Discoloration (brown spots) Treatment w Opus Plasma Laser Itsaca, IL

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This female patient came to Oak Dermatology | Itasca, IL with concerns of facial discoloration (brown spots) along with skin laxity due to aging. She had expressed that she didn't want a multi-modality treatment but one that can treat all her issues at once. Dr. Jeffrey T. S. Hsu, performed Opus Plasma on her face, a fractional plasma device that resurfaces the skin with minimal downtown, yet yielding results that are similar to some of the other most aggressive lasers. The patient will continue to come in for another treatment to further rejuvenize her face, taking years off.

Opus for face



This female patient came to Oak Dermatology | Itasca, IL with concerns of facial discoloration (brown spots) along with skin laxity due to aging. She had expressed that she didn't want a multi-modality treatment but one that can treat all her issues at once. Dr. Jeffrey T. S. Hsu, performed Opus Plasma on her face, a fractional plasma device that resurfaces the skin with minimal downtown, yet yielding results that are similar to some of the other most aggressive lasers. The patient will continue to come in for another treatment to further rejuvenize her face, taking years off. 

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.