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Filler to Treat Saggy Jowls & Define Jawline Results in Naperville, IL |Oak Derm

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This patient came to Oak Dermatology | Naperville, IL wanting to enhance the definition of her jawline. Due to aging, the patient's skin began to lose laxity, and the patient does not like what seems to be worsening saggy jowls. Dr. Jeffrey T.S. Hsu treated her with dermal fillers in her jawline, which in turn gave her a much more defined jawline and a lifted look in her lower face. The result was immediately visible.

Fillers for Defined Jaw & Neck



Definition to Jawline & Neck

This patient came to Oak Dermatology | Naperville, IL wanting to enhance the definition of her jawline. Due to aging, the patient's skin began to lose laxity, and the patient does not like what seems to be worsening saggy jowls. Dr. Jeffrey T.S. Hsu treated her with dermal fillers in her jawline, which in turn gave her a much more defined jawline and a lifted look in her lower face. The result was immediately visible.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.