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Facial Profile Enhancement | Nose Lift & Plump Lips with Fillers in Itasca, IL

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This patient came to Oak Dermatology | Itasca, IL wanting to enhance her lips. The patient felt that her lips are not proportional to the rest of her face. Upon her meeting with Dr. Jeffrey T.S. Hsu, Dr. Hsu explained facial proportion may not just be one area. While her nose seems seemingly perfect but a slight lift would create the perfect contour in proportion to her new lips. So Dr. Hsu treated her with dermal fillers giving this patient a naturally subtle nose lift while plumping her lips. The result is astounding, giving this very happy patient an enhanced and gorgeous profile with the perfect contours. The result was immediately visible. No downtime was required.

Profile Enhancement w/ Fillers



This patient came to Oak Dermatology | Itasca, IL wanting to enhance her lips. The patient felt that her lips are not proportional to the rest of her face. Upon her meeting with Dr. Jeffrey T.S. Hsu, Dr. Hsu explained facial proportion may not just be one area. While her nose seems seemingly perfect but a slight lift would create the perfect contour in proportion to her new lips. So Dr. Hsu treated her with dermal fillers giving this patient a naturally subtle nose lift while plumping her lips. The result is astounding, giving this very happy patient an enhanced and gorgeous profile with the perfect contours. The result was immediately visible. No downtime was required.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.