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Male Breasts (Pseudogynecomastia) Treatment with Liposuction in Naperville, IL

Our Location

Male patient came to Oak Dermatology, Naperville, IL with concerns of fat in his chest area. Dr. Jeffrey T.S. Hsu diagnosed him with Pseudogynecomastia (breasts). The solution was to perform an in-office awake liposuction procedure administered by Dr. Jeffrey T.S. Hsu with minimal downtime. The issue was immediately corrected. To schedule an appointment for possible liposuction of extra body fat, please call 864-528-9247.

Pseudogynecomastia Lipo



Male patient came to Oak Dermatology, Naperville, IL with concerns of fat in his chest area. Dr. Jeffrey T.S. Hsu diagnosed him with Pseudogynecomastia (breasts). The solution was to perform an in-office awake liposuction procedure administered by Dr. Jeffrey T.S. Hsu with minimal downtime. The issue was immediately corrected. To schedule an appointment for possible liposuction of extra body fat, please call 864-528-9247.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.